1. Name of the LOM : JCI Mulanthuruthy
2. Month of Project : 11th October 2016
3. Region : 4
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : ..................
About the Project :
JcRt wing of JCI Mulanthuruthyy conducted the program -strong girls,strong world - in association with jj wing on world girls child day,11/10/2016. Recognition and Motivation training to girls were the main attraction of the program.
2. Month of Project : 11th October 2016
3. Region : 4
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : ..................
About the Project :
JcRt wing of JCI Mulanthuruthyy conducted the program -strong girls,strong world - in association with jj wing on world girls child day,11/10/2016. Recognition and Motivation training to girls were the main attraction of the program.