Monday, January 2, 2017

JCI Trichur - No Bake Biscuit ,Chocolate , Cake

1. Name of the LOM : Trichur
2. Month of Project : 21st December 2016
3. Region : 10
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend :  -----------

About the Project : 
Jcrts of *JCI TRICHUR*, rocked on 21st December at EMMATTY LOONGS CRICKET ACADEMY. We learnt to prepare *No Bake Biscuit Chocolate Cake* by *Jc Anooja Bobby* & *Syrah Punch* by *Jc Jane Varghese*. Even our JJs leant to prepare these yummy ones. It is really cheerful to have the first program of this year in this merry week.

JCI Cochin - KRIPA : A helping hand for the needy

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Cochin
2. Month of Project : December 2016
3. Region : 3
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : ......................

About the project :
Jcrt wing of JCI Cochin launched our project KRIPA - A helping hand for the needy. In this project we collect Grocery from our members every month and the same will be donated to orphanages and old age homes.