Tuesday, February 7, 2017

MRF - JCI Aayankavu (January 2017)

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Arayankavu
2. Month of Project : January 2017
3. Region : 4
4. Category : MRF (Training Included)
5. JcRt hours Spend : ......................

JCI Mulanthuruthy - Christmas Carol

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Mulanthuruthy
2. Month of Project : December 22&23 2016
3. Region : 4
4. Category : PR Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : 4960 jcrt hrs (30 jcrts and 280 others)

About the project
jcrt of jci mulanthuruthy conducted carol program in a grant way on December 22&23.it was conducted with full orchestra and it gave a great PR to jci mulanthuruthy.
program.- Christmas Carol