Wednesday, January 25, 2017

JCI Trichur - distribution of chocolate cakes to street vendors

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Trichur
2. Month of Project : December 2016
3. Region : 10
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : -----------

About the project
We JCI TRICHUR celebrated Christmas with distribution of chocolate cakes to street vendors and poor people on streets.

JCI Trichur - Carol House visits and Xmas friend Gift Exchange

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Trichur
2. Month of Project : December 2016
3. Region : 10
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : -----------

About the project
We visited houses of JCI Thrissur members singing Carol songs and shared cakes and spent time with their parents and grand parents. We also had gift exchange for Xmas friend (family to family) and thereafter dinner.


1. Name of the LOM : JCI Trichur
2. Month of Project : 23rd December 2016
3. Region : 10
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : -----------

About the project
We JCI TRICHUR celebrated our Christmas with SEVASADAN girls home in Trichur.We sang carol songs,shared cakes and spend quality time with them.
It was a great experience for all.

JCI Mulanthuruthy - X-MAS MADHURAM

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Mulanthuruthy
2. Month of Project : December 2016
3. Region : 4
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : 93.5 jcrt hrs.

About the project
X-MAS MADHURAM,is a program conducted by jcrt of jci mulanthuruthy on 16-12-2016 at jc bhavan.Self made jam display and selling is the main event in the program.11 JCRTS spend 8.5 hours. Jam making started at 12.30 pm and ended at 7.30 pm. Display started at 7.30pm and over at 8.30 pm. It contain 93.5 jcrt hrs.

JCI Mulanthuruthy - Cake Fest

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Mulanthuruthy
2. Month of Project : 18th to 24th December 2016
3. Region : 4
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : 529 jcrt hrs.

About the project
Jcrts actively participated in the cake fest of jci mulanthuruthy. We sold 500 cakes and earn RS 25000 to jci fund of mulanthuruthy. This one week program started at 18th December and ended at 24th December.15 jcrts and 437 non jcs participated in it. This program contain 529 jcrt hrs.

JCI Mulanthuruthy - X-MAS HARAM

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Mulanthuruthy
2. Month of Project : December 2016
3. Region : 4
4. Category : Social Activities
5. JcRt hours spend : 273 jcrt hrs

About the project
Jcrts OF MULANTHURUTHY conducted a program of wine making and selling called as X-MAS HARAM. The process of the program persist 45 days from 3rd November to December 18.During this period 13 jcrts spend 21 hrs for this program and it contain a total of 273 jcrt hrs.

MRF - JCI TRICHUR ( January 2017)

1. Name of the LOM : JCI Trichur
2. Month of Project : January
3. Region : 10
4. Category : MRF ( 2 Training Included)
5. JcRt hours spend : -----------

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